Hope n’ Change

Separated at Mirth?

Separated at Mirth 1Okay, a former government official who wears pants.

Some women just seem to make a pattern of forming relationships with unsavory characters who can’t be trusted. Such is certainly the case with Hillary’s right hand woman Huma Abedin, who has just announced her separation from husband Anthony Weiner, whose right hand is usually someplace we’d rather not talk about.

Weiner was caught sexting for the umpteenth time, but hit a new personal low (as far as we know) by sending his cyber-slut girlfriend pictures of a tentpole in his BVDs taken while Weiner’s infant son was snuggling against him in bed. And yes, we just threw up in our mouths a little.

What puzzles us is why Hillary hasn’t advised Huma to simply issue a statement that her husband is  the victim of a vast Right wing conspiracy?  Then again, when Hillary originally made that preposterous statement, she still needed her husband to have a shot at reaching the White House.

The infinitely ambitious Huma doesn’t, which is why she is now free to just enjoy the Weiner roast.


Secretary of STFU 1Sometimes, words just aren’t enough.

On Monday, Secretary of State John Kerry opined that “perhaps the media would do us all a service if they didn’t cover (terrorism) quite as much. People wouldn’t know what’s going on.”

And of course by “people,” he means voters – who really shouldn’t know what’s going on if it will hurt Hillary Clinton’s chances of becoming president.

Then again, maybe the media really would do us all a service by cutting off stories dedicated to desperate attention seekers. After all, that’s how we got Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, Black Lives Matter, the Video Music Awards, and Kim Kardashian’s ass.

Which would be the biggest ass on public view if John Kerry didn’t hold the title. [snip]

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  1. […] H/t Vermont Loon Watch […]

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